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The Green Explorers :: Holyoke Range West
Worst Conditions Imaginable 
The Notch... down a cliff to Rt47... Jay Rescue 
58 pictures 5 videos

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Click to view picture details [12872]
You guys look like you've had about enough for one day.... 1 comment
Click to view picture details [12814]
BEST parking job EVER!
You really need to study this picture to appreciate the parking job. Nick pulled in... spun 360 degrees and ended up perfectly straight, in a parking spot, backed against the snowbank. All in one moti... 1 comment
Click to view picture details [12817]
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This is what the whole trail was like west of Hitchcock.
Vid quality looks pretty good now.  I will never forget this day.... 6 comments
Click to view picture details [12836]
I forgot I said that. I don't know if its possible... but I know I was Mr Anaerobic Respiration for most of the day.... 2 comments
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Yeah, this is while we were still having fun. It wasn't long after this that we started to become very concerned. We were a little too far to turn around... but starting to realize we couldn't make th... 2 comments
Click to view picture details [12865]
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This is the part where we went down the cliff.
If my math is right: 0.2 mi * 5280 ft/mi = 1056 ft  x-y distance 332 ft / 1056 ft = 0.314 or 31.4% average grade 0.314 * 90° = 28.25° average drop  Note how steep it ... 2 comments
Click to view picture details [13579]
"I think that the 2.5 mile to 4 mile mark was the panic period when we were starting to get very concerned."Look at all the spikes in that area.  Those were the 'sisters giving us hell.... 4 comments
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Look at the wind tossing that tree around!... 1 comment
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Coming up on "Survivor:  Holyoke Range", meet our two tribes:  The Guineas, and the Skinnys!... 4 comments
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Snow drifts on the top of Bare Mt.
11:49 to 18:06 (6:17 time in the woods)   It was SLOW going.... 5 comments
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