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Click to view picture details [17913]
Linked From: Haystack Mountian camping
Click to view picture details [4178]
This picture is worthy of being published, it is truly stunning.
Linked From: Montana Pics
Click to view picture details [18895]
Linked From: Mobile Uploads
Click to view picture details [13778]
really cool... 5 comments
Linked From: Astrophotography
Click to view picture details [18894]
Linked From: Mobile Uploads
Click to view picture details [18544]
Linked From: Snow Day
Click to view picture details [18550]
Linked From: Snow Day
Click to view picture details [18150]
Linked From: Barnes Airshow 2010
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 Go fetch!!!!  Is Paws part dog???? Love this video!... 1 comment
Linked From: Paws and Felix
Click to view picture details [13418]
There was a shadow from the rings visible along the equator that you cannot see in this picture.  It could be that the conditions worsened a little from when we first started observing around 02... 4 comments
Linked From: Astrophotography
Click to view picture details [13403]
Linked From: Winter at 460
Click to view picture details [12959]
Crop of 12954
Wow.  This is so cool: http://hubblesite.org/newscenter/archive/releases/2008/42/video/a/ ... 1 comment
Linked From: Waning Crescent
Click to view picture details [12947]
I'm really happy with how this came out.  Tight focus for a handheld.  View full-res.
This full res is unbelievable!... 3 comments
Linked From: Waning Crescent
Click to view picture details [10812]
Linked From: CapeCod
Click to view picture details [9272]
Linked From: Bavaria
Click to view picture details [9268]
Neuschwanstein Castle
Linked From: Bavaria
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So Good! So Good! So Good!
Linked From: 2007 World Series GameĀ 1
Click to view picture details [8206]
Triple Crown
Linked From: 2007 World Series GameĀ 1
Click to view picture details [21373]
Linked From: Paws and Felix
Click to view picture details [21370]
 Yes and they were sitting there so nice, posing for the picture!... 2 comments
Linked From: Venus and Orion
Click to view picture details [21248]
Linked From: Venus and Orion
Click to view picture details [19499]
Linked From: Aruba!
Click to view picture details [19424]
Linked From: ATVs in Aruba
Click to view picture details [19183]
That cup says "ARRGH" on it. tee hee hee
Linked From: Nick Bach Party
Click to view picture details [19185]
Linked From: Nick Bach Party
Click to view picture details [18557]
Linked From: Snow Day

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