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Click to view picture details [14233]
Linked From: Mt. Rainier
Click to view picture details [4988]
Upper falls with Cedar Mtn. in the background
Linked From: Bash Bish Falls
Click to view picture details [17742]
Linked From: Birds
Click to view picture details [15873]
I'll give you cute... but angels? That might be stretching it. :o)... 2 comments
Linked From: Norwottuck in Autumn
Click to view picture details [15833]
This picture totally deserves a 5 because of the story behind it!  I "moooooed" at the cow to get him to look up at the truck- then BAM photo taken!... 1 comment
Linked From: Sutton
Click to view picture details [10522]
Linked From: Mt. Washington
Click to view picture details [781]
Linked From: Blair Brook
Click to view picture details [1441]
Linked From: Turtle Bend Mountain
Click to view picture details [1552]
Aaron Parks fought in the Revolutionary War.
Linked From: Shatterack Mtn. & Clarks Cem.
Click to view picture details [2021]
This is actually not from Conway, but a view of South Hadley from I-91 in Holyoke
Linked From: Deerfield River
Click to view picture details [18613]
Linked From: Rock House Reservation
Click to view picture details [18435]
Linked From: Wells State Park
Click to view picture details [17740]
Linked From: Birds
Click to view picture details [13210]
The one not doing any work was five or six inches long.... 4 comments
Linked From: Canaveral National Seashore
Click to view picture details [13026]
We were about 35ft from it on the other side of a pond.  I was on full zoom.  It was cool to find one there.  He didn't move at all though.... 2 comments
Linked From: Maritime Hammock Sanctuary
Click to view picture details [11430]
Bumble Bee
Linked From: Syracuse
Click to view picture details [10505]
Linked From: Mt. Washington
Click to view picture details [9583]
Excellent Bird's Eye View of Bash Bish Falls courtesy of Microsoft Live.
Linked From: Bash Bish Falls
Click to view picture details [8532]
Linked From: Lawrence Swamp
Click to view picture details [8132]
Linked From: Littleville II
Click to view picture details [6994]
A few more months!... 1 comment
Linked From: North Quabbin
Click to view picture details [358]
Awesome view from M Point
Linked From: Cobble Mountain Res.
Click to view picture details [1382]
Main Street, Russell as seen from the summit of Shatterack Mountain.
Linked From: Shatterack Mountain
Click to view picture details [2108]
Linked From: Sanderson Brook
Click to view picture details [2222]
Linked From: Chester Mine
Click to view picture details [19956]
Linked From: Autumn Walk

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